The Kansas Art Education Association will be granting a ONE-year membership to
THREE (3) non-member active Kansas art educators
FOUR (4) college art education students.
These scholarships will be given annually as funds are available.
In order to be eligible for one of these grants, you need only be interested in joining Kansas’ largest Art Education Professional Organization.
Non-Member Active Art Educators: Must be presently
teaching art and have NEVER been a member of KAEA. You do
not have to be a first year teacher.
Students: Must be presently enrolled in a College/University
Art Education degree- seeking program.
Applications will be accepted between May 1st and 31st
Questions? Email
- KAEA Endowment Grants
- Applications accepted May 1st- 31st
- Google Doc Application (make a copy)
- The Kansas Art Education Association will be granting a ONE-year membership to THREE (3) non-member active Kansas art educators and FOUR (4) college art education students.