
  • Visualize a World Where Support for the Arts Abounds. Take Action! 
    Have your voice heard in your backyard and on Capitol Hill. As professional art educators, we know and understand the essential value that visual arts education holds for learners. 

    But do others know and understand? Your school leaders? Parents? Your elected representatives? School Board members? Your local media? Who needs to hear your voice? What are the critical legislative issues affecting art education? 

  • It's time we bring our knowledge and our voice to art education advocacy!

  • These posters and postcards were developed as a final project in the Your Brain on Art Book Study. Feel free to print them for use as advocacy materials in your school community!

    Click here for Google Drive folder with all the designs:

Don't know how to find your representatives? Do you need advice on how to engage with your elected officials? Look no further! This document has lots of helpful information.

This presentation was created for the Graduation Requirements Task Force but has a lot of good information on why Visual Arts Education is essential.
KAEA Survey on the Condition of the Artsthe responses are on different pages which you can scroll through along the bottom of the spreadsheet.

KAEA Mission Statement

KAEA is dedicated to the advancement of the human and cultural understanding through the study of art by providing opportunities for professional growth and development, exchange of knowledge and ideas, and service and leadership for the advancement of quality art education.